8/10 Bueno
Amazing views at the top of the mountain
![Sign at the front](https://a.travel-assets.com/ugc/hotel-reviews/02C7068040588D30E8036215F44C5E81BCF959A01728845622580.jpg?resize=360:*)
![A view of the pool from the bar balcony](https://a.travel-assets.com/ugc/hotel-reviews/D2BA755CAB32727CBFE0368496C5E660315C077C1728845614786.jpg?resize=360:*)
![Foggy pic of the stone entrance](https://a.travel-assets.com/ugc/hotel-reviews/78D2948E0ACAECD5A7EF0EDA0CDABE000C616F131728845616849.jpg?resize=360:*)
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